Injection Therapies

Injection Therapies: Non-Surgical Treatments to Stimulate Healing and Reduce Pain

Ultrasound Guided and Non Guided Injections

We have various options for treatments dependant on your condition and our assessment findings. We customise the best solution for you in a treatment plan to help reduce your pain, and improve your quality of life. Our treatments are relatively painless, as we use topical and local anaesthetics.

Prolotherapy: A Healing Approach to Muscular & Joint Pain

Prolotherapy promotes long-term, often permanent pain relief by stimulating the body’s ability to repair itself. Known as regenerative injection therapy, it works by using an irritant or stimulant, often dextrose, to promote healing. A solution of concentrated dextrose and local anaesthetic is injected into the affected ligaments, tendons, or joint capsules. This solution acts by stimulating the body’s natural ability to repair these tissues, encouraging growth of new ligament or tendon fibres. It is particularly good for treating tendon or ligament injury. Many conditions respond well to prolotherapy, such as joint sprains, degenerative disc disease, osteoarthritis, sprains, chronic tendonitis, and more. Research studies show that over 80 percent of people treated with prolotherapy report a good or excellent result.

The appointment takes approximately 30 minutes, including preparation, treatment and recovery time. Performed in a medical office, prolotherapy relieves pain without the risks of surgery, without general anaesthesia or hospital stays, and without a prolonged recovery period.

A safe, proven treatment that has been very popular in the USA and Europe for over 75 years.

Recognised by BIMM and NICE.


Biopuncture therapy uses small injections of natural bio-therapeutic medicines around the site of pain or inflammation to help reduce pain and stimulate the immune system and natural healing. These treatments are particularly effective for soft tissue or joint pain or inflammation. It is a popular treatment with athletes and sports people as the active ingredients are derived from plants and therefore completely natural.

Hyaluronic Acid

Hyaluronic acid is a substance attaching itself to collagen and elastin to form cartilage. HA provides supplies of synovial which is needed in healthy joint lubrication, to keep you mobile. It also keeps cartilage extremely flexible and strong. We commonly use Ostenil, particularly useful for stiff painful joints in the lower limb, and foot/ankle. It works by restoring the normal synovial fluid balance, and is commonly used by Orthopaedic and sports medicine professionals.

Dermal Fillers

Suffering from persistent corns or calluses and looking for treatment options? We use the latest dermal fillers to increase the padding around sore lesions, reducing the need for routine chiropody, and enabling you to wear more fashionable footwear once again.


Sometimes referred to as Cortisone Injections, will not make you grow big muscles. They are a strong anti-inflammatory medication useful for reducing pain from inflammation and swelling. If you would prefer to avoid steroids we can offer more natural alternatives.

Contact us to make an appointment to discuss which injection therapies could work for you.

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